It’s Time For Doctors To Up Their Fun Game


It’s hard to know who and what you can trust in this world. I recently read about a young woman who developed cancer. Her friends and family shaved their heads in a show of support. But then it turned out that the young woman made the whole thing up.

Funny, yes, but fair warning: I’ll shave my back for you, but not my head.

I thought about that while I was sitting in the lobby yesterday at my eye doctor’s office. I was trying to read a People magazine but the text was blurry. Which got me wondering if someone out there is creating slightly blurry versions of popular magazines and selling them to optometrists. That’s not a bad way to help sell glasses. Out-of-focus pictures on the walls wouldn’t be a bad idea either.

Things got a bit stranger once I was in the examination room. I put my face up against a device with eye slots and had to read the letters on a board. This is what I saw:


Okay, the eye chart thing didn’t happen, but I do have one eye that’s weaker than the other. The doctor thought I was serious when I asked if they sold monocles like Colonel Klink wore on Hogan’s Heroes.

When I was a kid we had a family doctor we went to. Everyone referred to him as Doc’ Blanchard. The guy was the best. One time during a little league hockey game a kid didn’t get up after a hit. So Doc Blanchard exited one of the players boxes and walked gingerly across the ice. When he got to the kid, he looked up into the stands where the parents were congregated and shouted “Is there a doctor in the house???”

I’m keeping my office visits to the bare minimum from now on. Doctors’ offices could be so much more fun.

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