Like Hitchhiking, With A Bit More Oversight


I’d like to think I’m a pretty worry-free person who’s open to new things. I like some of these emerging companies like AirBnB that are shaking up the old way of doing things. I don’t want to approach change and newness with fear and resistance because that would make me a Republican.

But I’m still not sure about Uber. It kinda feels like hitchhiking with a bit more oversight. Think about your traditional cabby –he drives as his main job, his career. The Uber guy, on the other hand, is looking for some additional income. I don’t know if I really want to put my physical safety into the hands of “additional income,” in the same way I wouldn’t frequent a dentist who’s “doing it on the side.” And poking around the web the other day I found a lawyer who specializes in Uber accidents. Lawyers don’t specialize in something unless there are big payouts floating around.

Earlier this month an Uber driver took a woman to the Denver airport. And then allegedly went back to her house and tried to break into it. That’s one of the joys of being an “independent contractor” working part time – it frees up time to be a self-employed burglar, which is far more lucrative.

The driver got bagged (Tip: always ring the doorbell first to check for the presence of roommates) and is due in court. If the guy had a sense of humor he’d call up Uber for a ride to the courthouse.

I don’t want to come off as some fuddy-duddy opposed to change. And I’m not defending traditional cabs either. Whenever I drive to the airport, one always seems to suddenly appear a foot from my rear bumper like a fighter jet in Top Gun. A few years ago I had a ride with a cabbie in San Francisco where I thought I’d somehow ended up in a chase scene in a movie. I think my driver first learned about America by watching Steve McQueen drive in the film Bullitt. It was scary as hell.

So maybe I’ll try Uber. But I won’t make the same mistake that Uber customer in Denver did. I’ll sit in the car for a minute or two. And then I’ll slap my head and say “Damn, I forgot to feed my pit bull again! He’s stuck inside and must be starving!”

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6 thoughts on “Like Hitchhiking, With A Bit More Oversight”

  1. Maybe the Uber lawyer specializes in extreme things rather than hired cars?

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