Winter is Coming (Ohio Thrones Style)

Snowy TreesIn regard to creative interests, constructively clowning around can actually be a good thing. In my case I had some extra time in the studio recently. Doing something for the fun of it can get you out of patterns and settings that you normally adhere to when you are on a schedule. It frees up your artistic juices to experiment with styles of speaking and sound effects that you may not normally use throughout the course of a normal day.

The result that day was a Game of Thrones parody in which I molded my disdain for winter in Ohio. In reality winter isn’t that bad here in comparison with other parts of the country but I like complaining. At any rate I hope you enjoy this one minute voice-acting/impression routine. It will help if you are a fan of the show or just happen to hate winter.

In the meantime make some time to clown around. It’s a good thing.

You can listen to this directly in your browser. On a mobile device you will have the option to listen to it in the SoundCloud app or in a browser. The routine is also available on iTunes and Stitcher in the “Billy Dees” podcast show.

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