Professor Manson’s Creative Writing Prompts

Describe, in detail, the first murder you committed.

Write a short romantic story, but name the two main characters after:
1. Your bank routing number.
2. Your bank account number.

Compose a shopping list consisting entirely of items you would never, ever buy for yourself.

Write a short novelization of your favorite PornHub clip. Use lots of action verbs.

Describe your most recent sexual injury.

Come up with 37 dad jokes, all with the same punchline.

Write your own caption for a NEW YORKER cartoon, only make it even more pretentious.

Assuming the voice of filmmaker and author Quentin Tarantino, compose a short poem celebrating women’s feet.

Come up with a musical pun. See if you can top mine. I doubt it…
“Squeezy musical instruments are making a comeback. Plan accordiongly.”

Write a humorous limerick about your private parts.

Describe your fist kiss, but leave out all the gross stuff.

Write a profanity-laden children’s story.

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