A Presidents Day Guest Blog by the @ Symbol

It’s Presidents Day week and John decided to take a holiday.  So, I decided to jump in.  It kind of seems weird that I am writing this guest blog about being overworked on a holiday week when I should be resting (I usually go skiing) but, this is the only opportunity I could get.

Ya know how radio and TV people used to go to work, do their thing including some show prep and then go off about their merry way?  And, now, they have to post on social media, make videos, write blogs, blah, blah, blah for no more money?

Well… get on my level dawg! I’m the @ symbol on your keyboard.

Ya know, the symbol that USED to be used only for when the home sports team had an away game! I used to sit only above the 2 on a standard keyboard and, the only time I got pressed into extra duties was when some so-called creative writer wanted to swear… they would pair me up with a # and a ! and a % if they were trying to do an extra long swear word and needed more characters.

Fast forward to current day…I am used in about 500 million tweets per day, 150 million Instagram posts per day and, for those that know how to even use it on Facebook, there’s probably 30 gabillion-jillian uses per day.  God for bid what will happen when the over–60 crowd figures out how to use me to tag their family.

So…here I am…. like the radio and TV people… doing a ton more $#%# work for zero more pay. (notice that I didn’t use myself in that.  The # is too stupid to realize it’s a hashtag now and not just a pound sign and $ symbols don’t read blogs  and % is known as the bitch-and-moan type so nobody every listens when they’re hanging out at the liquid paper cooler.) Who was it that decided that me, the @ symbol, should be used to tag people in social media?  I guess that’s how union’s get started.  Oppression and lack of respect for a reasonable work day.

I have even been added to the keyboard so that people can use me WITHOUT using a shift key.  Although I get used in logos now, we @ symbols get zero residuals. I’ve cancelled my NetFlix account and my monthly wine subscription because I have no time to relax and prop by tail up on a hassock for even an hour.

So…all of you social media experts…palllleeeeeze! We @ symbols would like a break OR we want more pay.  Just imagine if we all walked off the job for the day.  Your social media would crash and your heads and thumbs would explode!  And, if you don’t like my attitude, you can kiss my asterisk, Ya Jagoffs.

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