A New Website Interprets Texts From Guys To Decide If They Like You.

girl reading text - minutes of mayhem


girl reading text - minutes of mayhem
It says "I wnt 2 pt ur ft n my mouth." So I guess he likes me?


It was tough being a woman in 1912.

You had to squeeze 154 lbs of flesh into a 22 inch corset. You had to put lead directly on to your face. And you had to stand in the kitchen preparing your husband’s meal, so that he was nicely pot-bellied, when he took it upon himself to mount you.

But, to be fair, they had it easy compared to how women in 2012 have it.

They didn’t have to spend several hours a day studying texts they got from guys, looking for any nuance, hidden meaning, or clues to whether he’s actually into them.

Thankfully, now there’s a site that’ll do all the over-thinking for you, so you can stop wasting your energy.

It’s called HeTexted.com.  You post the text a guy sent you, and other people on the site vote on whether the text suggests “He’s Into You”,  “He’s Not Into You”, or, the “Verdict is Still Out.”

This is fabulous news. It gives YOU more time to relax and get back to enjoying your ice-cream, and me less guilt over sending you vague dismissive texts because I’m playing-for-time while I’m trying to hook up with your hotter, thinner, less neurotic sister.



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