Bradley/Chelsea Manning? Here are the Jokes

Normally I would save this for the stage but since I like you guys so much, you get to see it here first.
Since Bradley grew up a few miles down the road from where I live, I may a little extra incite. Here goes:

So Bradley turns out to be a dame. Told you so: Women can’t keep secrets.

Don’t know why he picked the name, Chelsea. Maybe he thought Leavenworth couldn’t Handler.

One thing that’s a shame. They convicted him/her under a full moon. C’mon, Army, no respect for her
hometown? She’s from Crescent.

Both Manning and Snowden have that same washish-bespectacled-dispassionate look. That’s why you
won’t find me spilling the beans to Harry Potter. Or worse yet, Harriet Potter.

What if Edward Snowden also wants a sex change? In Russia, he picked the wrong country to hide out.
In East Germany they’d put him on the Olympic team.

35 years is a tad harsh. But better to spend it in a women’s prison than a man’s. So many more inmates
to dish with.

In the past, whistle-blowers have been entitled to a big cut of any suit settlements. Manning’s lawyers
are hoping for this. A class action suit with 315 million clients could amount to a big windfall.

If so, Chelsea could easily be the best dressed gal in her cell block.



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3 thoughts on “Bradley/Chelsea Manning? Here are the Jokes”

  1. Did Google also take down Facebook? Looks like it, Donna, at least where I’m at. First, HumorOutcasts, then Facebook. They can’t say you weren’t first.

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