You think you know someone…

When we get someone a gift, we’re not really bothered if they go ahead and exchange it for something that they actually want or like. At least that was the case until we put concerted time and massive effort into trying to find the perfect present for Thirsty Dave. We were really happy with what we got and thought that he would be happy too. It turns out that we don’t know the thirsty one as well as we thought:


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8 thoughts on “You think you know someone…”

  1. The Thirsty one is wise. I once tried to trade a car battery for sushi . . . long story.

  2. Seems odd that a person in need of a 12 gauge shotgun would own something as frilly as a Pomeranian. And who would think a puppy is less important than a gun? It’s a mean world, Bill Y.

    1. I feel a story coming on:

      Husband gives wife a Pomeranian as an anniversary gift, even though he knows she’s allergic to dogs.

      Wife goes into anaphalactic shock and spends days in the hospital.

      Wife comes home. Dog is still there. Wife is forced to sleep outside in the rain.

      Wife forms elaborate plan to find a good home for the dog and kill her husband.

    2. You’re thinking with logic Don Don’s but we’re talking about the thirsty one here!

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