A Dozen Things About Ahnold You May Not Know



1) Ahnold felt like he picked the perfect situation to run for governor. To him it wasn’t just a recall of Governor Gray Davis, it was a “Total Recall.”

2) When Ahnold ran for governor, two of his opponents were Gary Coleman and Gallagher. Ahnold saved Coleman from Gallagher who tried to use little Gary as a watermelon.

3) Then, an exercise warm-up Ah-Nold, once “clean-and-jerked” Coleman 30 times.

4) That was an exercise term Maria understood, even with Ahnold’s broken English. That’s why she didn’t realize he was being honest about his affair when he told her he was going to “do the cleanin’ jerk”

5) Mildred Baena, the maid wrote a book. Who knew she could choose her words so well. Lucky for this joke she never chose the words “Stop that. You’re married.”

6) Again, with exercise term confusion, Maria thought Ahnold had weights in the maid’s quarters because when Arnie told her he was going back to “pump and iron” she thought that sounded familiar.

7) When Ahnold came clean with Maria, he said he was always leveling. It was just his version of “True Lies.”

8) When Maria asked “What have you been feeding this thing?” Ahnold answered “Maids.”

9) Ahnold was very proud of his Malibu Beach views and vistas. Very boisterous, always bragging to guests “we has the la vista, baby!”

10) For some reason Ahnold’s favorite late night TV show was Conan.

11) Ahnold liked to lift weights in the nude. He called that “going Commando.”

12) In the game of “Which Famous Composer Would You Like to Be?” Ahnold always chose Bach.

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