Ex-Jock Wants to Bury Hillary Alive?

curtschillingEx-baseball pitcher, game commentator and Ben Carson supporter believes Hillary Clinton should be buried alive under a jail. In the past, the former MLB player has made other controversial comments about Muslims and Nazis. It’s hard to take political analysis seriously when it comes from a guy who has a tough time spelling ESPN.

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8 thoughts on “Ex-Jock Wants to Bury Hillary Alive?”

  1. Surely that’s gonna go down well with those who are already buried alive, under a jail?

  2. Almost as disturbing as remarks like this is the attention the media give them. I think that’s part of the reason Trump’s gotten as far as he has. Oy.

    1. Hitler did it, and look how that turned out.

      Yikes! What a totally frightening thought that is!

    2. It’s the norm. I read an article yesterday that said saying “I’m sorry” can derail your career. So, we spout mean stuff, can’t own up to mistakes and stab people in the back. Sounds like a formula for greatness right?

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