Mary Versus The Angry People


Everywhere you look you’ll find angry people offering violent “solutions” to problems. The GOP presidential debates are like an anger-management class that meets every few months but never makes any progress. Recently, Donald Trump claimed he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose voters – I’d definitely vote for him if the person he shot was himself (problem gets solved, but still, too much anger).

This angry problem solving also extends to regular people . Consider this case in England: According to one reliable website, a guy living in England has had 15 children by 10 different women. Now, when you consider that a Russian peasant in the 1700’s fathered 87 children by two women, this actually represents progress (perspective, people!). But people are mad because the guy doesn’t work and lives off of unemployment benefits. When asked why he didn’t work, the guy responded with completely sound logic, saying he refused to work because “it’s too boring.”

Who hasn’t been there at some point? Reproducing is way more fun and interesting than manning the Burger King drive-thru. I fully expect opponents to point to this case as representative of Democratic Socialism if Bernie Sanders wins the nomination here in the U.S.

So, in the situation above, what kinds of “solutions” are being offered by regular people in the Comments section? Angry ones, for the most part. The top “solution” offered is to castrate the guy, either physically of chemically. The second place idea is a forced vasectomy.

But looming all alone in a vast sea of exclamation points and words written in all caps is Mary. She’s the proverbial “candle in the darkness.” You can tell Mary isn’t drowning in anger and resentment because she offers a very reasonable and effective solution, one devoid of violence:


That, my friends, is real problem solving. It’s the kind of cool-headed, effective solutions we can come up with when we don’t turn decisions over to angry people.

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3 thoughts on “Mary Versus The Angry People”

  1. I like how Donald Trump’s wives rationally solved their problems by following Teddy Roosevelt’s oft-quoted advice: “Talk softly and marry a big dick.”

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