My Very Ordinary Self

The Bon Jovi Hatred crisis of 1994 happened in 1994. It wasn’t until six years later, when the Millennium Bug didn’t do anything that the new century began. With the new century, Jill Y became convinced that there was more to Bill Y (this was before I became a fully fledged legend) than mere, severe, all-consuming Bon Jovi hatred. I told her there wasn’t but she didn’t believe me. She decided to play a game with me as the gamee. I was to clear my mind and create my own banner with the first thing that popped into my head. I think I quickly put to bed, any thoughts that there were any thoughts of anything substantial in the mind of my very ordinary self…

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2 thoughts on “My Very Ordinary Self”

  1. If only Trump were a Nazi and bomb banner instead of a Muslim and journalist and Twitter trolls banner.

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