Things Runners Love:

Things Runners Love:

Warm Spring days after the cold and snow of winter.

Cool Fall days after the heat and humidity of summer.

Placing first (second or third) in their age bracket.

Great race swag.

Achieving a PR (Personal Record)

Post race beer

Buying new running gear

Getting new running gear for Christmas

Filling in the daily running log

Meeting your weekly, monthly, yearly running goals

A great trail run

Running negative splits in a race

Runner high


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4 thoughts on “Things Runners Love:”

  1. That’s OK Roz, I’ve got a poem for runners such as yourself that I’ll post next week {grin}

  2. I always meet my running goal, which is NO RUNNING. Ever. Even to catch a bus. That just means that you’ll never have to worry about my beating you to the Great Race Swag.

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