South Carolina Legislature Votes to Classify All Females in State as “Incubators”

Emboldened by the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, in a special session on Saturday night the state Senate of South Carolina passed a bill that replaces the terms “female,” “girl,” and “woman” with “incubator.”  Governor Henry McMaster has promised to sign the bill into law when it reaches his desk on Wednesday.

According to Senate Majority Leader Buford “Skeeter” Nevins, “it’s crucial that language be precise.  Heck, we learned that lesson from the liberals, God bless ’em.  The word incubator captures — in a beautiful way — the essential, primary role of the fair sex:  to replenish the human race generation after generation.  Terms like ‘female’, ‘girl’, ‘woman’, and even ‘handmaid’ just confuse the issue.  They imply distinctions that, quite frankly, aren’t important in God’s plan. 

“We should think of the womb and vagina as a sacred T-shirt cannon that is forever launching babies of every race, creed, and color into the world’s bleachers.  WHOOSH!  WHOOSH!  WHOOSH!

“Our legislation honors all those who have received the gift of this responsibility.”

The process of incorporating “incubator” language into every state document will begin on September 1st, and should take approximately 6 months to complete. 

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