Trump Even Cheats At Arm Wrestling

Ex El Presidante Donald ‘Teflon Don’ Trump, known for being one to bend the rules and even the Constitution of the United States to satisfy his whims has now been caught cheating even at so simple and mundane a thing as arm wrestling.

Here he is seen arm wrestling his Brazilian clone Bolsonaro (not a perfect clone as you can see, but definitely better looking in the handsomeness department) in a match that of course The Donald won according to his constant, self congratulating logic (which is also not perfect, although The Donald thinks it is). But even at this art he resorts to cheating to get the perfect results he always expects of himself. As you can see from the photo The Chump has grasped Bolsono’s hand in an illegal way according to the Arm Wrestling Federations Official And Entirely Unnecessary Rules Book. This gives Trump the unseen and entirely selfish advantage that he always needs to support his massive ego and his social persona that he wants his public to be hypnotized by, always believe in and always support. Otherwise he will become bankrupt again.

In a move that is obviously giving Bolonaro pain judging by his expression this obviously doesn’t bother Trump, looking in his eternally smug way. Giving pain to other people, even allies, doesn’t bother the man. Other people giving Trump pain drives him mad to which he always lashes out childishly, although he does cleverly cloak this with adult-like rebuttals and insults which can still seem childish.

Bolsonaro impressively managed to keep a straight face during this humiliation, but upon leaving the room immediately called his Defense Ministry and ordered them to step up their work on making Brazil a nuclear power ASAP and, in a Trumpian way, threatened them with firing if they didn’t comply rapidly. Trump meanwhile gloated to others about his defeat of the equally arrogant and dictatorial Bolsonaro even to El Presidante’s own bodyguards and wife as is the typical way Trumps does a lot of things.

There was a quick discussion among Bolasnro’s immediate advisors and supporters present about taking Dump out into the night and having him disappear mysteriously and painfully in the Amazon jungle as happens to so many journalists and environmentalists, but quickly gave up the idea as Brazil could not afford to lose the considerable aid they got from the aforesaid imbeciles home country that they depended on to siphon parts of for their own private bank coffers.

Upon returning safely to the U.S. Trump wasted no time in boasting about his incredible defeat of the Brazilian Emperor to the press and his kids who ate it up like coke-laced candy. Meanwhile the Bolsonaro cartel stated that it was just another one of Trump’s bizarre handshakes that the leader of the largest country in South America had endured. Humor sites across the free world had a field day with this photo just like this site has.

It is strongly beleived by many in Brazil that it was due to his hurt wrist that Bolsonaro lost his Presidential election. Some right wingers there are even discussing storming Mar A Lago in revenge. We’ll see how that works out.

More will be published later if there is ever another arm wrestling match, especially if it is with Putin.

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