How was your Christmas?

Ocho Rios resort

I hope ya’ll had a good Christmas.

I sure hope Justin Trudeau did. He definitely put in a good effort.

For my American friends, that’s the timbit leader of the country north of you. It’s weird, because everyone seems to love timbits, and despise the leader.

He stayed at a $9500/night resort in Jamaica. For 10 nights. For free.

Family friend.

It’s a former slave plantation. 

Right now millions of 5th graders, as a school assignment, are learning to do the math on this vacay so they can grow up to be good tax-paying citizens.

Anyway, listen. We can all relax and enjoy 2024 more knowing that “Dundas” will be gone, due to its association with…um…slavery.

For my American friends, Dundas is a street and a square in Toronto for which lots of money is being spent renaming it due to its association with…um…slavery.


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