Did Ron Jaworski’s On Air Slip Warrant an Apology?

So, Ron Jaworski said the “S” word on the air last night while broadcasting Monday Night Football on ESPN.  I didn’t even notice it. That probably means I either watch too much cable or I say the word too much myself.  I first realized he said something wrong when he started to apologize during the game.  “I am so sorry if I offended anyone,” he said with a distinct ring of embarrassment in his voice.  The apology almost drew more attention to the broadcast than Tom Brady’s amazing performance. If you want to hear Jaws in action, you can go here, but note the bad word was bleeped out so as not to offend any additional viewers.  http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/S-my-Jaws-says-ESPN-analyst-curses-on-Monday?urn=nfl-wp7020

To find out how many people were truly emotionally scarred by the use of the “S” word, I took it upon myself to make a quick trip around the country and ask viewers what they thought about “Jaws” using profanity.

Olaf Vander Dick from Minnesota weighed in: “We never condone the use of profanity here in Minnesota. We are the land of Michele Bachmann and well, that crazy bitch says no cursing is allowed as it goes against family values.

Rainforest Sheen of Malibu, California considers the “S” word a form of free expression. “Words are only words until we put meaning to them.  Let them say “SHIT” loud and clear for all to hear and let the “S” word be transformed into a word that defines beauty.

Vito Gambini from South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania said, “Get the fuck outta here, he said shit on TV? Go Jaws! Hey, sometimes these guys gotta use these words. It’s hard not say what you feel when you watch a football game – I got your back, Jaws – GO EAGLES!

John-boy Bubba Walton from Steel Magnolia, Alabama resounded with a loud “JESUS, save us! The Devil is upon us. Please, let’s call Rick Perry and ask him to host another Day of Prayer.  If we book it, they will come.  Come, Lord, and cast out the Devil whose name is Ron Jaworski. Out, Satan and leave our innocent children alone!  May all of you who watch football, except for those whose allegiance is to the Crimson Tide, be swept into the depths of holy hell!”

Well, it seems I was mistaken. I guess using the word “shit” in the broadcast did ruffle some feathers.  Rumor has it that a big annoying  family television censorship lobby group is now starting a petition to have all football banned from the airwaves –well, all teams except the SEC and whatever is left of the Big 12 — you know the teams Jesus roots for. Everyone else has to go.


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4 thoughts on “Did Ron Jaworski’s On Air Slip Warrant an Apology?”

  1. Jesus has favorite teams? No shit? I mean, no kidding? I am soooo sorry for that slip up, really I am. Golly gosh gee whiz am I sorry. I’ve brought on the apocalypse for having said it, haven’t I? Boy are people going to be mad at me. Shit! Oops, sorry! I think I better just be quiet before I bring the wrath of God upon life forms on other planets. Shit, see what I mean? 😉

    1. okay, Jack now you must put $500 in the swear jar for all that bad language. That will postpone the apocalypse. That and making sure the Tea Party is not elected. 🙂

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