Sleepless in Texas

Dear PeakLife, manufacturer of Somnapure, please quit utilizing lovely looking and busty women to get me to click onto your on-line ads that claim they are an “all natural sleep aid [that’s] helping thousands of Americans sleep better.”

I tried a sample size you sent free upon my request as you suggested for just $8.50 shipping and handling. I have discovered that your pills may have different additives than the generic melatonin drug you can buy over the counter at your local pharmacist, but the effect has been the same for me. Nada, nothing, zip, zero effect on sound sleep.

What has occurred though is that I am more wide awake than I was before I started using your product because I cannot fall asleep thinking of these sensual, well-endowed women you use in your ads to entice me to click on to and discover if their sexual appeal is connected somehow with a good nights sleep.

I don’t know if I can legally sue you for false advertisement but if that angle doesn’t work perhaps I can find a pro-bono, ambulance chasing lawyer to file charges against you for sleep depravation, an act that is considered a form of torture in the Geneva Conventions.  The real torture though is knowing that my night time thoughts of these lovely female ad hucksters are really not concerned about my insomnia.



Sleepless in Texas


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10 thoughts on “Sleepless in Texas”

  1. I thought that having sex before bedtime would help me to sleep, but then I spend the whole night worrying that my wife will find out. You just can’t win.

  2. Too funny! Why I wonder does this make me have images in my mind that I just really don’t need!

  3. I beg to differ gentlemen. The product DOES work! My husband clicks on all those ads, lusts and drools over those silicone- enhanced busty sluts, while I’m in the bedroom getting a great nights sleep without having to listen to his snoring. The wonders of science!!

  4. Works for me. I check out the ads, masturbate furiously, then I’m out like a light. All natural!

    1. Yes, but at my age I have to use viagra. Pictures just don’t do it for anymore and you know damn well my wife’s not going to allow me to utilize the real thing. 😉

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