Hand Job

So it appears some brainiac at the University of Utah has developed a theory surmising that “human hands may have evolved their unique shape in order to better punch the living daylights out of competitors.”

The hand shape essentially turns “this relatively delicate musculoskeletal system into an effective club,” said study co-author David Carrier, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Utah. 

This isn’t the first time Carrier has argued that humans evolved to fight. Last year he published research suggesting that humans became bipedal to better land crushing blows.

“If you stop and look at what we know about the other species, we’re a relatively violent group of mammals,” Carrier told LiveScience.   SOURCE  


Seriously?  What tree branch did this neanderthal swing from?   We may be a violent group of mammals but we have priorities too and hands serve our self-pleasuring interests first and foremost.  Do these look like the hands that want to club people?

groping IIIgroping IIgroping I


This relatively delicate musculoskeletal system is also capable of groping other body parts to pleasure ourselves by but proper decorum prevents me from providing images of this.

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