If “Hitler Masturbating” is the answer, what is the question?

Nobody said life was easy and nobody was right. Sometimes you search for the answer and it just doesn’t come. Sometimes the answer, like sarcasm, is on the tip of your tongue but sometimes it might as well be in another time-zone. Allow me to demonstrate what I’m talking about, with words:

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8 thoughts on “If “Hitler Masturbating” is the answer, what is the question?”

  1. Bill, sometime life’s little goof-ups are just precious moments that you can look back on and smile . . .like Hitler did after he finished masturbating, sigh.

  2. Thank God for that painting by Dali becoming big in the news the last few weeks because now everyone who has googled masturbating can now say he or she was looking up that painting and people will believe them. It is sort of sad if people have to look up masturbating though. It would seem like something people would not need instructions to do.

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