The Virgin Mary’s Secret Identity is Out

Nicolas Cage might be the Virgin Mary. Until recently, some thought he was a vampire because of an internet rumor—you know, the internet—where so many smart and well-adjusted people live, but once it was proved he could see his reflection, his identity crisis was over until this week when a painting of the Virgin Mary surfaced, and lo and behold, she had Nicolas Cage’s face.

One has to wonder if he could be the Mother of God although I am skeptical as he has way too many body parts for that and way too many marriages. If not the Mother of God, could he at least be part of the family tree?  I know it sounds very DaVinci Code-esque, but one can’t deny the resemblance. That portrait looks like Nicolas Cage in drag, and I don’t think a round of appearances on talk shows showing people he can see himself in a mirror is going to squash this new internet theory.  When you think about it, being related to the  Big Kahuna in the sky might explain his family’s (Coppola)  obsession with the all powerful Godfather figure.  Maybe those movies were just a little too close to home and we didn’t realize it.

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4 thoughts on “The Virgin Mary’s Secret Identity is Out”

  1. If he was the Virgin Mary I think he could’ve made a lot of his movies do better at the box office. And he could’ve found his stolen Superman comic book a lot faster.

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