Dick’s Claim of Defending “vaginas”


At least he didn’t say the “C” word


After New Hampshire State Rep. Peter Hansen(R) referred to women as “vaginas” in his defense of stronger laws to carry guns he retorted, following the firestorm of his comments, by saying:

“Having a fairly well educated mind I do not need self appointed wardens to A: try to put words in my mouth for political gain and B: Turn a well founded strategy in communication into an insulting accusation, and finally if you find the noun vagina insulting or in some way offensive then perhaps a better exercise might be for you to re-examine your psyche.”

Later, he released a statement claiming he was taken out of context, saying “It was not, and is not, my intention to demean women at any time. It is apparent that the intent of my remarks has been misinterpreted, the true goal of the message lost and for that I apologize to those who took offense.”   SOURCE


But that’s alright.  Hansen and the “dicks” like him make themselves perfectly clear with their so-called misinterpreted remarks

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6 thoughts on “Dick’s Claim of Defending “vaginas””

  1. Politics: The act of saying something stupid, then claiming with great indignance that you were misunderstood, without actually having to explain what you DID mean, which everyone understood, anyway.

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