Holy Name Change Batman!

By: kaatjevervoort

A judge in Tennessee has changed an infant’s first name from Messiah to Martin because she felt that the only person worthy of that name is Jesus Christ. In a subsequent yet startling move, Lu Ann Ballew, the child support magistrate, is going to Latin America demanding that everyone with the name Jesus now be called Chuck.

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10 thoughts on “Holy Name Change Batman!”

  1. Isn’t this judge’s ruling almost by definition a violation of the separation of church and state? 🙂

  2. I had an ex-boyfriend who wanted to change my name from Deb to “The B$#@h who broke my heart and now I’m listening to Barry Manilow at 2:00 AM and drinking cheap whiskey.”

  3. If they try and change my name from Bill Y “Ruler of 17 Eastern European countries” Ledden, my mate Thirsty Дэвид will be having words with them!

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