Yesterday, my blood boiled to such a degree that it thought it was in a sauna, in a furnace, in an embarrassed volcano that had to get something off its mind.

I’m not the type of mocker who looks at a picture of someone and slaps the face of that someone in the picture. Well, not usually. Yesterday, my blood boiled to such a degree that it thought it was in a sauna, in a furnace, in a an embarrassed volcano that had to get something off its mind. It’s time like these that you curse loudly at the youth of today and wonder where it all went wrong. I think it was on one who said “I’m going to use these emoticons, not because they mean anything but because I’m clever and no one else is going to use them”. Actually, it might have been Paige that said it:


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4 thoughts on “Yesterday, my blood boiled to such a degree that it thought it was in a sauna, in a furnace, in an embarrassed volcano that had to get something off its mind.”

    1. I’m not going to lie, it wasn’t easy but sure that’s what whiskey is for!

    1. She had her chance to say what she wanted and she blew it on emoticons. The emotions that this whole even has stirred up in Bill Y are not good at all, at all!

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