Marketing 101


You don’t need to go to business school to know that “product differentiation” is key — you need to find a way to make your product stand out from the competition. And everyone knows that an under-served market is a profit opportunity just waiting to be grabbed.

So let’s say I’m a person who’s convinced the government is coming to take away my freedom. I’ve got the bunker built and sufficiently booby-trapped. My supply of guns and ammo is massive, enough to withstand a siege by armed IRS agents. I’ve got the rainwater barrels in place. Sure, my in-laws might chuckle and call me an “ammosexual,” but they’re just uninformed.

But I still need one thing — food.

So I go to Safeway to stock up on canned items. Since I’ll be underground, I want to make sure I’m getting plenty of vitamin C. So I head for the pineapple section. And what do I find? Dole pineapple, Chiquita pineapple, and an in-store brand called Free Nature pineapple. These brands mean nothing to me. I could just as easily pick one over the other and nothing would change. But then I see this brand:


I’m sold, and the cost is completely irrelevant. Because this brand understands tyranny.

Class dismissed. Have a great 4th of July everyone.

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2 thoughts on “Marketing 101”

  1. Stock-up well Tom before Apple buy it and rebrand it as iCrushed Liberties and the price shoots through the roof!

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