Sheep Pig to the Rescue

Bring home the bacon with some wool on it.

I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t seen it, a way to get pig farmers and sheep herders to speak to each other. Very, very, very fat pork.
Yes, you can get a heart attack but you get a nice wool blanket to keep you warm while they’re wheeling you into the operating room.
It has all the makings of several new nursery rhymes.

Baa, baa, black sheep pig
Are you kosher after all?”


Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep pigs
And can’t tell where to find them
She yells “Here Mutton, here Pork.”
Bleeting and squealing just like them.

“Little sheep pig, little sheep pig, let me come in!”
“No, no, by the wool on my back, head and shin!”

This animal is better than a schmoo. You can shear it every year, make sweaters, scarves, and socks. Then when can’t you stand any more scarves… roasted ham!!




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