Some instinctively know when they need to visit a Dentist.

I’m lucky enough to have a high pain tolerance so listening to Jill Y telling me how much of a loser I am, doesn’t really hurt. Joking aside, I’m not joking. I love that woman more than stories about Oxtail Soup and that’s the truth. Going to the dentist doesn’t really bother me because I’m friends with the Anaesthetist although I have to be told when I need to go. Some, it appears do not have that problem:


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8 thoughts on “Some instinctively know when they need to visit a Dentist.”

  1. If you put the canine’s teeth underneath the shark pillow will the tooth fairy leave money?

  2. In my day, if your tooth was loose your Mom or Dad would tie a string around it, tie the other end of the string to a doorknob, then slam the door. You would put your tooth under your pillow and, during the night, the Tooth Fairy would take it and give you money for it. How much money you got depended on how rich or poor your parents were.

    How do you tie a string around a dog, though? Tough question.

    1. If I was the dentist, I would just throw a newspaper and remove the canine that way!

  3. I want to say, “ooh, the poor doggie”, but on further examination, he looks rather comfy as comfy as you can get inside a shark’s mouth. This pillow would just give me nightmares!

    1. I ‘m with you on this Don Don’s. I’ve definitely seen dogs who were a lot more bothered with their lot than this little dude!

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