Ultra-Cool New Ultra-Sound


You’ve heard of ultra-sounds, right? And you know about those age-enhancement programs that law enforcement officials use to predict what a guy who went on the lam twenty years would look like today? Well, the Journal Of Pediatric Imaging is reporting on a fascinating new imaging technology that combines these two techniques. Researchers have discovered a way to view a child in the womb and predict what he or she will look like three years into the future.

To draw attention to their device the researchers wanted a celebrity for their trial runs. So they did an ultrasound on Chelsea Clinton. And they came up with this:


Yup, I’m guessing this might impact the next Presidential election.

But let’s get back to the new ultrasound/predictor machine, because there’s another fascinating part to the story. Apparently, the machine also works in reverse – you can predict with incredible accuracy what a person looked like when they were young. To demonstrate this capability the researchers again used a celebrity.

And they found that this guy:


Looked like this when he was young:


Fascinating stuff. I’m probably getting dropped from those DNC mailing lists, and I might now have trouble getting my bike tuned up. But whatever, this is too intriguing not to share.



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5 thoughts on “Ultra-Cool New Ultra-Sound”

  1. HILARIOUS! Imagine fast-forwarding to take a peek at classmates. No need to wait for a 20th reunion for that secret feeling of smugness at the fall of the prom queen or varsity quarterback. Oh, dear, my shallow slip is showing.

  2. Ah, don’t pick on poor Chelsea! She probably has enough problems. 😉

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