Has A Savior For 2016 Emerged?


The GOP is struggling to find a 2016 presidential candidate who has broad appeal. Jeb Bush got off to a rocky start when the Digital Director for his campaign was found to have called women “sluts” on Twitter. Mike Huckabee is failing to move the needle despite a new book in which he points out the tyranny of not being allowed to duck-hunt in Central Park. Marco Rubio is still being punished for the crime of proposing kindness toward immigrants (Hint: kindness is so yesterday). And so on, with all the others.

But I recently read about someone who, if none of these other guys pans out, would make an ideal candidate. He synchs perfectly with four of the biggest GOP issues today:


The GOP has struggled to connect with women. Not supporting laws that grant equal pay for equal work will do that. So does limiting reproductive rights. But this guy has impregnated four prison guards. He knows how to connect with women. And speaking of children:


Jeb Bush is the likely front-runner. But he only has three children compared to this guy’s four, revealing a decided lack of commitment to family. In fact, Bush almost looks anti-family.


According to the Christian Science Monitor, crime rates are at their lowest levels since 1963. But thanks to NRA newsletters and endless coverage of mall shooters, many voters think the reverse is true. They’re arming up to handle things themselves, Dirty Harry style.

Are you a voter who’s pro-vigilante justice? This guy’s romantic adventures prove that he totally understands the concept of taking the law into his own hands. But let’s move on, because the next one is the biggie for most voters:

Entrepreneurial Freedom

It is so hard to start a business in America given all the taxes and excessive regulations the government imposes. It’s especially difficult today under Obama. Just how bad is it? Consider this recent fact: The economy is now adding jobs at the fastest pace since the boom years of the late 1990’s.

Well, this new guy I’m talking about understands business and risk. He ran a drug-smuggling operation … from the inside of his jail cell. Talk about entrepreneurial prowess. He overcame not only all the excessive burdens imposed by government, but the additional ones created by the federal prison system as well.

I’d like to see Bush or Huckabee or Christie pull that off. They couldn’t come close to this guy on the job-creation front. Not a chance.

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