

Recently a group of ten physicians wrote a letter to Columbia University. According to Think Progress, they were “surprised and dismayed” that Dr Oz retains his faculty position at the school and accused the well-known TV doctor of “promoting quack treatments and cures in the interest of personal financial gain.”

Prior to this, the British Medical Journal concluded that half of the medical advice on Dr Oz’s TV show was either baseless or incorrect. But if you’re like me, you’re thinking “Yeah, but what about the other 50%? I’m an optimist — I see this show being “half-full,” not “half-empty.” And none of the researchers at the BMJ have ever appeared on television, so there goes their credibility.”

It’s obvious that certain jealous medical professionals just want to shut Oz down and strip away his First Amendment rights. In a show a support I recently purchased two weight-loss items sold by Oz:

Awesome Product #1


A set of bricks painted yellow. You dig a shallow trench in your yard and lay the bricks in a row, creating a makeshift road. Then you march back and forth briskly, watching the pounds fall away!

Awesome Product #2


These workout pumps are amazing! You pop them on and click your heels, over and over, as fast as you can. This gets the heart pounding and the sweat flowing. And if you repeatedly shout “There’s no place like Home Depot!” it feels just like you’re actually fast-walking there.

Dr Oz is colloquially known as “America’s Doctor.” I always thought that title rightly belonged to Dr. Phil. But whatever, I #StandWithOz.

Won’t you join me?

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6 thoughts on “#IStandWithOz”

  1. I’m on Oz’s Wicked Witch Water diet, and the pounds are just melting away.

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