Motivation: (or, get up, dress up and show up!)

As a long time runner, it’s not unusual to be approached by individuals who tell me they would like to start a running program. Of course, I am more than delighted to provide them with a sample training plan.

But I caution each person who asks since the training plan is the easy part. The hard (really hard) part is actually getting out there and doing it! So I ask the question “what is your motivation”. The dictionary definition of motivation is the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.” This is the really, really, hard part. This is where the rubber meets the road or, more precisely, where the tread on your running shoes meets the trail.

  1. So you want to lose weight (the most common reason). That’s great, just remember 3 crucial things:
  1. There’s a saying in the runner’s lexicon “You can’t outrun a bad diet”. Just because you start running does NOT mean you should eat more!  Too bad, but NO more potato chips in the evening watching TV! Have a piece of fruit instead! Dispense with that piece of chocolate cake after dinner! (maybe on your birthday!). Running a 5K you may burn around 400 calories while eating a cheeseburger afterward will add about 700 calories so you’re already running a deficit!
  2. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Just because you started running does NOT mean you will lose 30 pounds the first month (please, please ignore the dieting programs that guarantee you’ll lose 30 pounds in 30 days). Slow and steady wins the weight loss race.
  3. No pain, no gain is true! Especially in the beginning. You will suffer, you will ache, just remember why you are doing this. Plus you’ll feel so much better the rest of day.
  1. You want to get in the same shape you were in in high school. Forget it! It’s not going to happen. You were 17 years old back then! It doesn’t mean you give up, it just means you need to be realistic and set reasonable goals. You probably didn’t marry the Prom Queen or the football quarterback you had a crush on either, did you?
  2. You want to impress that new lady/guy you met at a party recently and you found out she/he is a runner. Well, maybe. But if they are longtime runners who regularly run marathons, ultra marathons etc. it is unlikely that you will spend much time together. (if you are waiting in the bar while he/she finishes the race being half drunk may not be the best way to maintain a relationship).

Just remember, you believed in Santa Claus until you were 5 so you can believe that you can run a 5K!

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