Eye For An Eye No Longer Good Enough For Nut-and-Yahoo

Eye For An Eye No Longer Good Enough For Nut-and-Yahoo

Unfortunately the ongoing Israeli/Palestinian conflict which has historically run on the principle of an eye for an eye is now outdated according to the principles of the Israeli Prime Minister Nut-and-Yahoo. ‘Bibi’, as the dictatorial Jewish leader is affectionately known to his followers as ( which is sort of like giving a cuddly nickname to a wasp), in lieu of Israel’s current excursion into and bombardment of the Gaza strip has decided that an Eye For An Eye and a Tooth For A Tooth as stated in the Biblical section of Leviticus is no longer good enough. Mr. Bibi has upped that in his latest pogrom against the Palestinians to being 18  Eyes For An Eye and 18 Teeth For A Tooth as can be seen in the latest death counts from the current version of the Mideast conflict that seems to demand attention from the entire world which is 18,787 Palestinian deaths compared to 1,147 Israeli deaths in the weeks since it began. 


After a reporter brought this to Mr. Nut-and-Yahoo’s attention during a news conference the scandal ridden Prime Minister stated “These are inaccurate statistics published by a traitor to the glorious goal of making this entire section of the Mideast a Zionist paradise rid of Arab influence. It is very obvious that one Palestinian death in no way equals an Israeli death! A more accurate number would be that one Palestinian death is only worth as much as 1/10 of an Israeli life. We are obviously the superior race and of much more worth than a run of the mill Arab. How anyone could not see that is amazing! It is much like in America before the unfortunate freeing of the slaves after the Civil War, before which a black man was only worth 1/5th of what a white man was worth, which is how it should be!!” chuckled the Prime Monster…….er, Minister.


When pointed out that the attack and destruction way out-weighed the initial Palestinian attack Bibi retorted “We need to make sure we have the Palestinians well under our thumb. We can’t have them being uppity now, can we? And the more we get rid of the less we have to deal with. With our constant number of new Jewish settlers coming in we need more Lebensraum for them. The Palestinans will never be able to clean up the mess we made of their homes and businesses, but WE will be!”


When asked about the inordinate amount of the world’s attention the never ending conflict draws upon this miniscule part of the world Bibi said “The more attention, the better! After all, we need to keep the illusion alive that we are the good guys so that the U.S. continues to supply us with the arms and money we need to keep from being squished like a bug!”


Meanwhile, Mr. Nut-And-Yahoo, the mini-me clone of Mr. ‘The Don’ Trump, is awaiting trial for his fraud and bribery criminal charges just like his idol from America is. Does this remind anyone of the Nixon era or is it just me?

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