Why are those iPads made of paper?

People are so anti-social these days. When Bon Jovi eventually break up, you’ll hear it from me first so put your iPad down and try having a conversation with one another. It’s easy; you say something and someone says something back and before you know it, the lost art of human interaction is one again kindled. I should probably stress here that “Kindled’ has nothing to do with the electronic device that you read books on. Because my nephew is related to me, he is obviously smarter than your nephew. It is what it is, so get over it already. My nephew struck up a conversation with me and obviously it was a smarter conversation that your nephew would start with you:


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6 thoughts on “Why are those iPads made of paper?”

  1. Because most of those gentlemen are old enough to remember what life was like before iPads came into the world?

    Just guessing.

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