At the ripe old age of 24 I decided on a lark to get circumcized.

I know I’m not the same as the average 9-5, Bon Jovi loving, sociable, people liking, ethical, fair-minded individual with the sense of humor of a sensible son of a mother and for this, I am truly thankful. Meeting mockers with any semblance of similar interests is what makes this world interesting to a feeble-minded soul such as mine. I met Jill Y at a rally for the prevention of cruelty to punctuation marks and that was the happiest day of my life. No, really it was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If we were all the same, the world would be a fairly boring place to live in, so thank god for individualism:

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6 thoughts on “At the ripe old age of 24 I decided on a lark to get circumcized.”

  1. I can almost swear that I log on here every day just to see what you’ll come up with next.

    1. I should probably apologize each and every day but I do try and attain a level of mediocrity. I’m not saying I’m ever going to get there but I will keep trying.

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