Beer, prostitutes, rent, food and transport – Two weeks in the life of Thirsty Dave

Change is necessary to change things but what happens to Thirsty Dave when Scurvy Jane goes on holidays with the girls and leaves him to fend for himself for two weeks? I’m glad you asked that question because that’s exactly what I’m here to answer. The thirsty one is not one to organize his life with any of these modern-day tools like financial planners, post-it notes or common sense. Thirsty D is as old-skool as it gets and likes to simplify things in simplistic lay-man terms:

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8 thoughts on “Beer, prostitutes, rent, food and transport – Two weeks in the life of Thirsty Dave”

  1. The Prostitutes pile is even higher than the Beer pile, which is the Mount Everest of money piles. Is he even going to be able to do anything with the prostitutes after guzzling all that beer?

      1. This reminds me of a joke about a prostitute who told her client, “I’ll do anything you want for $100!”. “Fine.”, he said. “Paint my house!”

  2. If he makes the prostitutes come to him and goes on a purely liquid diet, the third pile only needs to cover rent, which he should have had paid up for the time his wife is gone.

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