Don’t Make Me Buckle Up!

Don’t worry, this has nothing to do with seat belts. I always wear mine and routinely lecture about their importance.  My belt issue is strictly a fashion one. Today’s belt pushers are everywhere and they are pushing the limits. Apparently, wearing a belt will make you look like you have a waist. The good news for belts? They don’t have to match the outfit and they’re not just for belt loops anymore. I used to love belts, but frankly, that was a thyroid ago.

And just when my metabolism left me, every morning show has a segment on belts. I’m all about giving it up to the experts when it comes to fashion, but I draw the line when it comes to drawing attention to something that makes me look heavier. For my not-so-tiny waist, cinching isn’t a cinch, it’s a showcase. And lately, salespeople are just stalkers with belts. I love you Chico’s but I walked in for 10% Spandex and a little forgiveness. I really don’t want the hammock-size belt although the highly polished conch shell buckle is mighty tempting.

The other day, while in NYC, I finally caved and bought a belt (One day I might even wear it.). No one’s immune, belt pushers have obviously infiltrated the White House. Thank goodness the First Lady can pull it off. And her endorsement has certainly taken belts to the top of the accessory heap. But for me, all I really want are Michelle Obama arms. She can keep her belts.

The Morale of The Story: Go with your gut –Wear what makes you feel great!


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