HEADLINE: Mismatched Socks Save Relationships

The Weekly Crumb Snatcher Herald

Monday October 22, 2012

My Life Section

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Mismatched Socks Bring Teens and Parents Together

by Cheri Thacker

A Tennessee mother-daughter duo recently discovered the secret to communication between generations.  This mother, fondly called Mama Bread Baker by the hordes of teenagers that gather at her home, accidentally stumbled upon the key to eliminating teenage conflict, but admits she couldn’t have done it without the suggestion of her seventeen-year-old daughter, Sweet Pea.

“I didn’t do anything special,” Sweet Pea modestly stated when I caught up with her and her mother in their outdoor swing.  “I just told her to try it.”

Mama Bread Baker, 44, already helped two older crumb snatchers navigate their path to adulthood.  Her biggest regret is that she’d been unable to unlock this secret earlier.  “I feel so guilty.  They both tried to tell me, but it seemed too simplistic and yet, at the same time, too difficult to try.”

It’s not too late for Wolfy, also 17, and the newest household member of teenagedom, 13-year-old G-Bear.  They were scarfing a plate of warm-from-the-oven brownies when I asked their thoughts on this breakthrough.

Wolfy expressed his wishes for his father, Chief Money Maker.  “I just hope my Dad gets on board.  Life would be better all around.” G-Bear, for once, agreed with his older brother.  Mama Bread Baker wasn’t so optimistic.  “Chief isn’t one to go for all these new-fangled ideas.  He’s pretty traditional.  I think this concept is just too out there for him to accept.”

Chief Money Maker refused to comment, taking his turkey sandwich and 32 ounce Miller Genuine Draft to another room.  Before leaving he said, “It’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard and I’m not doing it!”

Psychologist Linden Ere, Ph.D. is hopeful about the discovery.  “It’s possible this phenomenon is unique to this family.  However, I wouldn’t suggest dismissing this method without further clinical studies and trials.  I’d be willing to implement with my parentally-challenged patients, and strife-ridden parent-child relationships.”

The method starts with a simple action, yet opens the floodgates of communication.  “I just didn’t know it could be this simple.  I wasn’t allowed this type of freedom, nor were my parents, or their parents.  What I’m suggesting goes against every fiber of our being all the way back to the 8th century.”

Mama Bread Baker’s experiment began one afternoon when Sweet Pea was folding laundry.  When she reached the bottom of the basket, Sweet Pea randomly placed socks together regardless of color, pattern, brand, or style.  “I couldn’t believe what she was doing.  I know teenagers push the limits…but unmatched socks?”  That’s when Sweet Pea said, “Don’t knock it ‘til you try it, Mom.”

Mama admits Sweet Pea was right.  “It was hard not to match that first batch of socks.  Even harder to wear the first unmatched pair,” Mama Bread said.  “But once I did, my mind just opened up to all kinds of possibilities.  I was able to relate to our teen crumb snatchers on a totally different level.  It was freeing!”

Mama Bread Baker is working on her book “Mismatched Socks and Unmade Beds-The Lies We’ve Been Told for Ages.”  She stresses, “I draw the line at clean underwear, though.  Teenagers still need boundaries.”

© 2012 CThacker

Photo courtesy of http://www.flickr.com/photos/hm-photo/4246465261/

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8 thoughts on “HEADLINE: Mismatched Socks Save Relationships”

  1. My daughter often wore mismatched socks to school. When I’d say “Honey your socks don’t match”, she’d say, “Guess what mom, I’ve got another pair in my drawer just like these.”

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