The Divinely Appointed of Bunco Groups

Bunco Group Member – the coveted suburban title to which every soccer mom aspires.  In a lost scroll found, archaeologists learned that on the eighth day God created Bunco groups consisting of twelve women.  After these first divinely […]

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The First Argument – Adam & Eve

I don’t know why I’m a perfectionist.  Possibly because I’m the first-born? Maybe because I’m a woman? It could even be a DNA type thing—that obviously didn’t mutate to my teenage crumbsnatchers.  Whatever the reason, somewhere inside […]

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How Chief Money Maker Lost a Finger Because of Dust

“Hey B-Bop…count Chief Money Maker’s toes.”  The four-year old child of a friend jumped on the task and began counting down Chief’s toes as they peeked out of his sandals. “…seven………….eight……………..nine???”  Then he stood there […]

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