I’m Michele Bachmann, Hire Me!

Michele Bachmann announced that she is dropping out of the GOP race.  I must say that I was totally disappointed.  She was such a charismatic candidate.  Although she has the charm and sex appeal of a sponge, I must admit I was anticipating the rousing prospect of her go toe-to-toe in the upcoming presidential debates.

Anyway, back to Michele.  Now that her political schedule has freed up a bit, I thought of a few possible new careers she might consider:

1.  Anesthesiologist:  Her campaign speeches are more effective than the stuff they give you at the hospital. I, for one, fell into a catatonic state watching one of her speeches in the doctor’s office.  When I awoke I was missing my spleen.    Perhaps, she is the answer to Obama-care.

2.  Telemarketing:  You’d buy anything to get her off the phone!

3. Auto Dial Operator: “Hello you have reached Michele Bachmann, press 1 if you would like to leave a message – press 2 if you are looking for a new running mate – press 3 if you want me to talk to you until your ears bleed, or just stay on the line and I’ll connect you to one of my back stabbing constituents who stole my votes and ruined my political career!”


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