Real Pregnancy Action

The world is full of different people and different people make the world go round. Some people know about hyperhomocysteinemia, some people know about expressive aphasia and some claim to know how magnets work but does anybody truly know how babies are born? Until now, the only way to learn about pregnancy was to have a baby but for those who want to learn without having to give birth, there is now another way:

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8 thoughts on “Real Pregnancy Action”

  1. Isn’t that doll a little young to be pregnant? Won’t that cause some confusion in impressionable four-year-olds?

  2. The phrase “real pregnancy action” leaves me somewhat confused. Is this the action that makes one pregnant (but, normally, doesn’t apply to dolls) or is this the action of labor (which is, normally, to strike for better pay)?! Is this how Russian nesting dolls are made?

    1. The baby is a useful learning tool and if I acknowledge a likeness to Jon Jovi in the baby, in some way, it would be acknowledging that Jon Jovi is in some way useful so I don’t see any resemblance at all, at all!

  3. I can see the pregnancy doll but when the pregnant doll is pregnant that just becomes a science fiction horror movie! I’m assuming this is not a product of the Vatican, then again, all that procreation, maybe it is.

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