Cell Phone Mania

Next to licensed and unlicensed premises that sell beer, the library is my favourite place to hang out. Where else can you read books, apart from the library? As someone who likes to sit idle and observe the poetry of life or look into the eyes of another person, it has come to my attention that people have become obsessed with cell phones and the like. Everyone seems to be so self-involved with their cell phone world that the books are becoming lonely and sad. Because of this, I’ve subtly placed a few choice words where all can see. While it seemed a good idea at the time, I am a little concerned that the irony might be missed and I’ve only gone and made things even worse:


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6 thoughts on “Cell Phone Mania”

    1. It wouldn’t be the first bite I got there and I doubt if it will be the last!

    1. I can’t really go into it now because the books are in a very fragile state of mind at the moment but more on this later!

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