Who should play Mr. Rogers in a movie? Please don’t let him be hot.

It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood for speculation this week, when it was announced that a Mr. Rogers biopic is in the works. Many media outlets, like Parade and People magazines, asked readers who should play the legendary children’s television host, with responses including Jim Parsons and Steve Carell.

But since Hollywood rarely listens to fans, as Katherine Heigl playing Stephanie Plum can attest, I would just like to say, please, PLEASE, movie producers: Whatever you do, don’t cast the role of Mr. Rogers with an undeniably hot actor. It will just be awkward.

For example, if you put Ryan Gosling in the role (as there was some faux speculation a year ago that he would be playing Walt Disney in a biopic), it will be beyond distracting for viewers, especially when he removes his cardigan. And EVERYONE knows boyfriend can rock a cardigan like no other.

Also, no actors known for their nudity, which makes Michael Fassbender a no-go. Viewers don’t want to watch the film, waiting to see Mr. Rogers’. . .neighbors.

So who should play the icon? I say Ellen DeGeneres. She’s charming, sexually nonthreatening, and appears to sport the same footwear and clothing as Fred.

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3 thoughts on “Who should play Mr. Rogers in a movie? Please don’t let him be hot.”

  1. Jim Carrey would fit this role pretty good because his size and dimensions pretty well mimic Mr. Rogers, but I like Steve Carell too.

  2. Well, Ellen Degeneres could probably rock in any role they put her in, so why not?

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