Very Specific Clientele.

For the sake of anonymity, we’ll say that I have a weak bladder and Jill Y definitely doesn’t. So now that that’s out-of-the-way, I’ll just mention twice more that I have a weak bladder and Jill Y definitely doesn’t. We were in one of those huge shopping malls full of cold, corporate greed and devoid of personality. Me, with my normal bladder and Jill Y, with her even more normal bladder and Jill Y definitely didn’t need to run to the toilet. It was just as well as the toilets catered for a very specific clientele:


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8 thoughts on “Very Specific Clientele.”

  1. The Disabled Elderly Pregnant Children . . . the bastards stole the title for my next novel!!

  2. I can do a very good imitation of a disabled elderly pregnant child. I’d be happy to give lessons, for the next time you are caught in that situation.

    1. Knowing my luck, I’ll offend the parents of a disabled pregnant elderly child and Don Don’s will have to clean up after me again!

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