If Jill Y really loved me, she would arrange this for me…



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7 thoughts on “If Jill Y really loved me, she would arrange this for me…”

  1. I agree with Cathy and Donna. Bill Y, you should set this up for all four of us and just let us sit there and let our eyes, ears and hormones do their work.

  2. If YOU loved Jill Y, you would schedule that, send her, and stay at home so she could enjoy the brilliance and the eye candy………..what woman wouldn’t go to THAT??????

    1. Just because “The Ballad of Bill Y’s Love For Jill Y” isn’t sung in all schools yet, doesn’t mean it’s not internationally recognized as the best homage to love in modern-day society. In the first 68 verses alone, there’s mention of all the Star Wars movies, the beauty of Princess Leia and the downfalls of putting the toaster setting too high. Will it ever be sung in all schools?  Probably not. Will JJ Abrams ever direct the film version of the screenplay? I doubt it. Will Scurvy Jane ever get it on with Thirsty Dave? Who cares?  One thing is for sure though, I have no idea where I’m going with this!

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