Jewy Grey, a Different Shade of…

So Ana, you went to HIS dungeon, the guy with the goyisha name, in his penthouse? That goniff stole my shtick. He thinks he’s a big macher. What chutzpah! Nobody copies Seattle Lew, even if he’s an schmancy alrightnik. You can change in here.

If it’s all the same to you, my cat only has seven tails. More tails than that… are only for the grobbe tuchis. And Ana, bubbelah, your tuchis ain’t close to grobbe. 

You want I should tie you up with silk ropes? Kids today, cotton ain’t good enough for you? You’re kvetching cause it’s cotton? It has to be farshtunkenah silk? Geez!

Yeah, I got a lot of hair on my back. Problem? Waxing is for faygalehs.

Hold on, let me clamp this. If I fress a little, would you mind? I hate to whip on an empty stomach. Care for some kreplach? Once I put that ball gag on you, don’t try to say you’re hungry.

Oh, there’s the doorbell. I forgot, my family, my mishpucah is dropping by. Can you hang out for a bit? I’ll tell them to beat it.

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