The Great Poets

You should never pretend to be someone or something that you’re not. In 1981, I got ideas above my station and pretended to be funny. It was a thinly veiled pretence that fooled nobody.

The great poet, Will Smith says “Stop letting people who do so little for you, control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions.” The even greater poet, Bill Y Ledden says “Shut up Will Smith. Don’t tell me what to do!”

Here’s a picture depicting that very thing.


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7 thoughts on “The Great Poets”

  1. Bill (Butler) Y(eats)

    Will Smith ain’t Will Shakespeare,
    Ain’t one of the greats.
    But Bill Y—the “Y”
    Stands clearly for “Yeats.”

      1. Thank you for the video link. It is SO BEAUTIFUL—even moving. You have the wit of a humorist and, truly, the soul of a poet.

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