I’ll ask you a question. You think about it. I’ll then answer a question. You think about it. Aka, If a bear shits in a forrest while a tree is falling, does anybody hear it?






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7 thoughts on “I’ll ask you a question. You think about it. I’ll then answer a question. You think about it. Aka, If a bear shits in a forrest while a tree is falling, does anybody hear it?”

  1. A tree puts on its pants one limb at a time, just like everybody else.

    Trees don’t have pants, but some do have a pair of trunks.

    Q: Why is a dog better dressed in the summer than in the winter?
    A: Because in the winter it wears a fur coat, while in the summer it wears a fur coat and pants.

    Are blue spruce trees blue because they have so many pairs of blue genes?

    In the scenario you present of the bear and the tree in the forest, which *leaves* first?

    Is the Pope Catholic? Seriously, is he?

    1. Bill, your knowledge knows no bounds.

      I hope the Pope is Catholic, y’know, for the sake of the Catholics.

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