I’m not big into symbolism but whoever bears this cross is surely paying a heavy price?


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4 thoughts on “I’m not big into symbolism but whoever bears this cross is surely paying a heavy price?”

  1. Sayyyy, . . . is this a cross—or some kind of double cross?!

    [Response to above tag: Of course you were correct in choosing “whoever.” Anyway, “whom” has been so widely abandoned that it’s mostly dead. These days, using “whom” might make one sound almost pretentious. But I still use it. You need “whoever” in your sentence because it’s the subject of the verb “bears.” A trick I would tell my students is to see if you would use “he” or “him” in the place where you’re trying to decide on “who” or “whom.” Subjective case = he/who. Objective case = him/whom. Since you would say, “He bears this cross,” (not “Him bears this cross”), you clearly need subjective case (who/whoever). Who likes chocolate? (Because you’d say, “He likes chocolate,” not “Him likes chocolate.”)
    Whom did you make laugh? (First reorder the question into declarative sentence order, and then it’s clear you need objective case: “You did make HIM laugh,” not “You did make HE laugh.”) Thank you, Bill Y, for this opportunity. I do miss teaching.]

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