8 thoughts on “We, the massively confused are not unconfused by this at all, at all.”

    1. Now Don Don’s, I think it’s you who is making Bill ask all those questions!

  1. But he DOES have 2 signs—and that’s with only 5 visible fingers. Where’s he keeping the other 2 hands?

    Sometimes, when it’s cold, I keep my hands in my pockets.

    I’ve known tennis players with 4hands.

    If he had 5 hands, how many signs would he have?

    Actually, if he had 4 hands, he’d have a job in the circus and wouldn’t need any signs.

    1. If he had 4 hands, he could play bridge all by himself.

      It looks like life has dealt him a bad hand.

      If just 2 people would give him a hand, his dream would come true.

      If he had 4 hands, could he handle the truth?

      Would 20 digits be an advantage in a digital age?

      Could he sell the 2 extra hands to Donald Trump to replace the tiny-fingered ones HE has?

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