The Newest Work from Mary Farr and Great Lessons As Well: Don’t Postpone Joy




Today Shorehouse Books is proud to launch Don’t Postpone Joy from author Mary Farr.  Available in paperback and kindle on Amazon. ,this book will inspire you to look within yourself and reach for the joy you might have thought had disappeared. Read below about the book and Mary Farr.

Book Description:  Don’t Postpone Joy emerged during a year of an isolating pandemic and social turmoil. It was a year that left the world watching and wondering how healing could ever happen. Each chapter offers an element of hopefulness, an expectation of future good.

Don’t Postpone Joy defines life more holistically, as a series of turning points and passages. These become our personal stories, those important tests and trials that shape us. Our task, according to the author, is to examine what they mean, come to peace with their impact, learn to coexist with the heartaches, and build joy from the whole lot.


Give us a little background on Mary Farr

As longtime health care educator and hospital chaplain, I’ve spent years exploring the worlds of hope, healing and humor. I’m currently hosting a CaringBridge program for parents and caregivers of children with cancer. I try to infuse these qualities into my writing by creating teachable moments through real life experiences. I’ve written several books, including an award-winning one with my horse, Noah Vail – a wise horse with a busy Twitter feed and a fine sense of humor. My current foray into the meaning of joy, is an invitation to readers to walk with me on the holy ground of our shared experiences.  Don’t Postpone Joy, consists of real stories about real people. It calls readers to rethink the meaning of joy through the window of their own stories. Ultimately, my goal is to foster compassion seasoned by laughter and self-reflection.

What inspired you to write this book?
I’ve considered this topic for some time, though the onset of pandemic isolation and l social turmoil prompted me to create a website and write the book. On one hand, it felt counter-intuitive. On the other hand, it felt like an important time and space to examine everything from our beliefs to our simple pleasures, and life goals.

What was the greatest joy you experienced writing this book? Any challenges with the book you didn’t predict?

Speaking of counter-intuitive, for me, each story delivered an element of joy. Much of it came from remembering those I love or have loved. Other chapters offered a richness of wisdom and empathy that I carry with me today. It was never a conflict but always felt as if l had learned or relearned a lesson in gratitude. It’s been a joy to remember every detail.

What do you hope readers gain from the book?

Mostly I hope they read it without judgment. By that, I mean, I hope these stories invite readers to think about everything from their long-held beliefs to what matters most and least in their lives today. What gifts do they bring to our wounded world? How can they use these gifts to help restore wholeness after such a harrowing year.

What are your future writing plans?

That’s an open subject. It seems that every time I think I’m finished, I’m not.



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